Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #8

RSS is a new world. It will be hard not to have too many sites on my reader. That could cut down on the efficiency of the site. As a librarian I am always looking for news articles to pass on to my faculty. This would enable me to have diversity and peruse more subjects quickly. The teachers can set up their own Google readers for their specific subjects.


DAL said...

You know, I was thinking the same thing about having too much on my reader. I am afraid that if I have too much coming in, I won't use it effectively, being overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information. For example, in reading your post, I realize that I have forgotten to check in on my reader since the day after I opened it. Oops!

kellimcreadalot said...

I just created my reader and have added so many things already. I think it will be so beneficial in getting the news from different sources. There is a layering effect of some sort to assist in reading a number of blogs quickly-- I have yet to figure this out.